Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Instagram Round-Up

Sorry it's been so long since I updated! March has been a pretty busy month for me.
I had my birthday, nights out, days out and lots of nail painting sessions!
I'm also doing work experience at a local marketing company over the Easter period so no restful holiday for me!
I've done a quick Instagram round up of some of the fun things I've done this month! Hope you enjoy!

1) My Birthday gifts from my family, 2) Nude and silver mani, 3) Birthday night out with the housemates,
4) Solar polka dot mani, 5) Birthday with the girlies, 6) Nude and Peach Daisy mani
7) Birthday with Course girlies, 8) Mint and Silver mani, 9) "Grapumkin" with purple and gold mani.

Part of the reason I've been doing so much nail art at the moment is because I bought some great nail art brushes from eBay for less than £3. I would definitely recommend them for anyone who likes doing their nails. Such a cheap investment!
Find them here.

The Last Line: "All of your flaws and all of my flaws are laid out one by one. Look at the wonderful mess that we made. We pick ourselves undone." 
(Flaws - Bastille)

Monday, 11 March 2013

Mother's Day Tea at Basildon Park

Sunday 10th March was Mother's Day in the UK and this year, because it was so close to my birthday we decided to do something a bit special.
We went to an Afternoon Tea at Basildon Park, an 18th century National Trust property set in the Berkshire countryside.
It was really nice to go out as a family and I must admit that part of the draw for me was the fact that the scenes for Pemberley in Pride and Prejudice (2005) were filmed here (it's one of my favourite films)

Friday, 1 March 2013

Perfect Combos #1

I've had this in my mind for a while...

I first read this book towards the end of last year after hearing a very cryptic review on it by ItsWayPastMyBedtime on YouTube and I loved's pretty hard to explain but it's a great story line and the descriptions are so beautifully written, you just have to read it! 

One to watch: Annabelle's Illustrations

Hey guys!
For this first proper post I thought that I would spotlight a really promising up and coming young illustrator who goes by the name of Annabelle King. I first heard about her through a friend who studies with her at college.
Annabelle does great fashion illustrations and drawings of celebrities, using pencils and even glitter on Limited Edition prints!
She has done some beautiful illustrations of Beyonce (which even got reposted by Beyonce's stylist and made it on to Beyonce's blog!!!) and other celebs.

LIMITED EDITION PRINT - 'with flowers in her hair' A4
New fashion illustration of Lindsey Wixson in Armani’s spring/summer 2013 fashion show in Millan.Completed using pencil and watercolour.By Annabelle Kingx
I think she is definitely "one-to-watch" and I know she'll go far!
You can find her here on:
Instagram: annabellesillustrations
and even buy your own here