Thursday 20 December 2012

Late Night Thoughts...

When I first came up with the idea for this blog, it was about 1am this morning. I was struggling to sleep and I had a load of different things going round in my head, which consisted of the following...

1) In the New Year I really need to start eating healthier and exercising more, which as a student is unlikely to be sustainable without real effort and motivation on my part. Oh dear...

2) Would it be wise to buy myself a George Foreman grill in order to stop myself from frying as much as I currently do? Probably...but in the end will I bother? It's not likely... 

3) It's taken me a long time to come to accept my hair as it is (curly, frizzy disaster zone), however after a comment from my hairdresser yesterday I'm starting to dislike it again.

In the end I reverted back to my default setting which was looking to pinterest to the answers for all my dilemmas. I'm not gonna lie. It helped. And I managed to get to sleep!