Monday, 30 December 2013


Defined as "admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering."

Every year I will inevitably be asked what my New Year's resolution is and I normally just make up some fluff about not having any or come up with something incredibly generic.

However as I am entering my 20th year on the planet, it's time to actually do this properly and I'm hoping that by writing them down here, on the internet for everyone to see may actually actively encourage me to follow through with some  all of them (see, already trying to wriggle my way out of them!) 
Some of these will likely sound pretty generic, but they are personal and fairly numerous. So here goes...

1. Stop being so hideously messy. My rooms, both at home and uni are always untidy, and I'm terrible at picking up my clothes. Honestly, it's sometimes embarrassing inviting people into my rooms. This is an incredibly long term bad habit and one I intend to break in 2014!

2. Quit the procrastinating and lay the groundwork earlier. This is mainly referring to my uni work, I am one of those people who does work better under pressure, but the more preparation I can get done, the easier it'll be on myself when those deadlines roll around.

3. Finish the projects I start or else plan them better. In recent years I have managed to convince myself that I'll ever be happy until I've mastered every crafty/artistic/digital/fitness practice that I see on Pinterest. However as I am not (unfortunately) superwoman, I need to take a more focused approach and actually plan out what I want to achieve, lest I just end up with a computer and desk full of unfinished projects. COMMIT!

4. Make my blog posts more meaningful and relevant. I've had this blog for over a year and I haven't posted on it nearly as much as I originally intended to. While I don't have many people reading this it, I feel like this blog should be a place where I can put down my personal thoughts and not feel like I just have to produce the same sort of content that everyone else is producing.

5. Don't let opportunities pass me by. This is an age old problem with me, I don't put myself out there enough. Like the rest of the world, the fear of rejection has meant that I haven't been fulfilling my potential and settling for less than I should. 

6. Manage my finances better. As my friends and family know all too well I have a bit of a spending problem, particularly when it comes to clothes. I need to get a grip on this and if I'm going to spend the money, make sure that I've done the work to afford it! As I want to spend more time travelling and experiencing the wider world, I really need to start saving for the things that matter.

7. Actually become a healthier, fitter person. Every year I talk about toning up, particularly around the summer months, but I need to stop eating quite as much studenty crap and make more of an effort to eat things that are good for me. I would also like to take up some form of dance again, it's something that I miss and for me fitness is something of a break from work and I always feel better for having done it!

8. Care less about what people think. I know this in theory this sounds simple, but I am a people pleaser and I need to make sure I stand up for my views and don't let them get quashed by those with louder personalities (or bigger mouths).

Well I think that's quite enough of those, it feels like 2014 is going to be a year of self-improvement and I really am aiming to stick to these as much as I can, I don't want to have given up by the second eek of January!
Are you making any New Year's Resolutions? Are any of them similar to mine? I'd love to hear either way!


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